Tuesday, June 18, 2013

so I'm back at it. maybe.  The only reason I even am thinking about it is because I've been asked, even so much as begged to start writing again. so I'll attempt to start this up. although my life's excitement levels have really decreased since stepping foot back in america.
you know, its been pretty normal in my life since then. just a move across the country, getting married, a few small vacations, getting a puppy and that wonderful adventure i like to call "finding a career". nothing too exciting.
anyways i have no idea what im going to write about in this thing. also remember that i dont spell check, or think about what i write, i dont worry about sentence structure or any of that junk. if you dont like it, dont read it.
as i was just on facebook right now i thought of my first rant to talk about

i HATE when people are so proud to be an "army wife"... and yes i am one, but that is not something i would wear on my sweatshirt, or on a bumper sticker. dont get me wrong im very very proud of my husband, and believe everyone should be.  but what if he was a butcher? a baker? a candle stick maker?? you dont see their wives wearing matchy shirts that say "candle stick makers wife"  and you for sure never see #bakerswife but these army wives, they think they are a club or something.  there is a very real chance that any two marriages have about as much in common as mustard and ketchup, both awesome and delicious, yet not the same .  also what happens when he is no longer in the army?? will you still be a proud army wife? i mean 4 years ends quickly (or 8 or 20 or however long he is in)  i can nearly guerentee if you are married till you are say 80?? you will have spend more of your relationship out of the military that you did in it. i just think its a bit pathetic if your biggest accomplishment is marrying a man with a job.
      so shush it ladies, the rest of the world thinks your annoying.

also i was thinking at one point i would make a cooking blog, but im not THAT good at cooking (i actually am working on dinner a minute ago, and it asked me to "trim the chicken" and i dont know what that means so i just cut the edges off??)  so anyways be prepared to see lots of recipes and such, probably random thoughts that enter my head, DIY projects that i totally mess up, and probably a photo or two of my rediculously cute puppy!

thats all - enjoy

p.s if you have any ideas of what i could write about id probably write about it

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