SURPRISE I'M BACK!!!! I quit doing this when that terrible first trimester exhaustion hit, and I could hardly stay awake long enough to go to work, (and I was scared I would spill the beans about being pregnant!! lol) anyways, I'm back at it!
I was suppose to copy another recipe when I made this, but then I misplaced the recipe, and just had a list of ingredients, so I thought "hey ill just toss them all together!" and look what I came up with!!!
Tacos With a Twist
2 chicken breasts- cut up into bite sizes, or shredded
1/2 onion- chopped
1/2 can of corn (i used a whole can, because that's wasteful)
1 can of Rotel
Microwavable Mexican rice (or precooked rice)
toss chicken and onion into a pan and cook about half way through, add corn (drained), rotel, and rice. cook until chicken is done. scoop onto tortillas, and top with what ever you like (I used a little shredded cheese, a dollop of sour cream and some cilantro)
they are VERY yummy.
and ENJOY!!