ok so i started this- and then realized i live in the most boring place in the world, and i have no friends, sooooo i don't live all that interesting of a life any more- so no more posts about my inner most thoughts, those are stupid.
and since i live in the middle of no where, with no one to hang out with, my kitchen and i have started to have a little fling! (however my waist line is not happy about this new affair) so now you can get food posts!
Today i did one of those crazy freezer to crockpot meal things- this is my 2nd attempt- so i learned a few things from the first try at it. basically it took me about an hour (maybe a little longer) and about $35 to make 11 count them ELEVEN dinners.
I wouldn't call myself lazy, but i am very….uh..energy efficient? so i was able to make these ELEVEN dinners using 1 mixing bowl (i just rinsed it out and used it again on the next recipe, that might be gross now that i think about it. oh well) and 1 pan (this was an unnecessary step, other than raw chicken grosses me out, so i had to cook it before i was able to touch or cut it).
on top of that I'm obsessed with my crock pot, not only does it make my house smell like I've been slaving away all day in the kitchen, i also use slow cooker liners, so i have no dishes to use (although i do run a soapy wash cloth in there and rinse after I'm done cooking in it) oh I also love it because i work til the wee hours of 6pm every day, and by then all i want to do is sit down with a glass of wine, so this makes meals so so super easy (with out going out to eat every night)
so today i made 4 different recipes, i stole them off of pintrest- but then i changed them depending on my own tastes/ i can never find things at the store so i just skip stuff a lot of times/using up what i have at home already
- don't mind my diet coke in the picture, you don't need that! haha
Black Bean Taco soup
(which called for beef, but i don't eat beef so i made half vegetarian half chicken)
1 lbs of chicken
1 medium onion
1 package of taco seasoning
1 bag frozen corn
2 cans of black beans
1 can of stewed tomatoes
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce (NOT the big can like i bought, just the little can i guess lol)
1 can diced green chilis (whoops just remembered i forgot to put those in!)
mix all the ingredients- separate servings into zip lock bags- cook on low for 2-3 hours in the slow cooker
Chicken Broccoli Alfredo
6 chicken breasts (i do 2 breasts per ziplock bag)
1 bag of frozen broccoli
(i also had a head of broccoli that was going bad so i tossed that in there too)
2 jars of alfredo sauce
1 large green pepper (chopped)
1 can sliced mushrooms (I'm not sure this is necessary)
Mix all the ingredients and separate into zip lock bags- cook on low for 4-6 hours- it says to
serve over noodles, but it looks super good on its own to me!
Chicken Caccuatore
1 lb chicken breasts
1 jar of chunky spaghetti sauce
1 zucchini (chopped)
1 yellow squash (chopped)
1 green pepper (chopped)
1 onion (chopped)
handfull (or a pinch) of crushed red pepper
mix all the ingredients- separate into zip lock- cook on low for 6-8 - serve over noodles (hmmm that sounds like more work than i care to do)
BBQ chicken sandwiches
i halfed this recipe because I'm not sure if i like BBQ sauce or not yet!

6 chicken breasts
1/2 onion (chopped)
1 bottle of BBQ sauce
3 cloves of
1/2 cup of italian salad dressing
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 Table spoon worchestrshire sauce
i thought bbq sauce and italian dressing sounded weird too- but it has EXCELLENT reviews so hey, sometimes strange things work together
mix all the ingredients- separate into zip locks- cook on low 2-3 hours, if the chickens was precooked, 6-8 if they weren't) and serve on buns!
alright now GO COOK. and enjoy all the free time you will have when you don't have to make dinner any more!